Plastic and Hand Surgery


Plastic and Hand Surgery

Hand (and to some extend Foot) is a complex structure of our body which require specialized treatment to deal with. Hand surgery incorporates techniques from orthopedics, plastic surgery, general surgery, neurosurgery, vascular and micro vascular surgery and psychiatry and is a complex, fascinating specialty. Hand surgeons perform a wide variety of operations such as fracture repairs, releases, transfer and repairs of tendons and reconstruction of injuries, rheumatoid deformities and congenital defects. They also perform microsurgical reattachment of amputated digits and limbs, microsurgical reconstruction of soft tissues and bone, nerve reconstruction, and surgery to improve function in paralyzed limbs.

The common type of industrial hand injuries can be grouped as following:

  • Mechanical trauma
  • Hear and cold injuries
  • Electromagnetic, ionizing injuries
  • Cumulative trauma disorder